Municipalities are required under the Clean Water Act to reduce pollution from their MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) to the maximum extent practical. This type of pollution is considered nonpoint source pollution and is considered by EPA as one of the leading causes of impairment to our local waterways. As stormwater runs overland and into the storm sewer system it can pick up things such as pesticides, fertilizer, road salt, oil, grease, and sediment and carry these pollutants into our local streams through the storm sewer system. These pollutants can harm aquatic life, reduce the aesthetic quality of the stream, impact water supplies, and increase flooding. The MS4 program is intended to reduce these impacts to our local waterways. The EDCSC municipal members are working together on their MS4 requirements.

Our Mission
The Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative (EDCSC) is a partnership of municipalities seeking efficient ways to better manage stormwater and improve water quality and the local environment within the Darby Creek watershed. The EDCSC works ensure compliance under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) PA General permit through outreach, education, and on the ground improvements. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff is the leading cause of pollution to our local waterways and working to reduce the amount of stormwater that enters our creeks is vital to improving water quality and reducing community flooding. Municipal members include: Collingdale Borough, Darby Borough, Darby Township, East Lansdowne Borough, Glenolden Borough, Haverford Township, Morton Borough, Norwood Borough, Sharon Hill Borough, Upper Darby Township, and Yeadon Borough.
The EDCSC meets monthly on the second Tuesday. All meetings are open to the public.

Rain gardens reduces rain runoff by allowing storm water to soak into the ground.

Storm water from urban runoff and sewers is one of the leading causes of pollution in rivers and lakes.

One inch of rain during a storm generates more than 600 gallons of water running off of a 1,000-square-foot roof.
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